InRefinement...what does it mean? February 26, 2020
The front, the back of my new card February 26, 2020 My new cards arrived eight days after I ordered them from VistaPrint (one of several companies who reinvented the printing business). I tell the story that only a few decades ago the cost of design, photography, typography, colour separation, film, printing, and trimming for a project such as this one would cost approximately $2,000.00 and delivery time might have been three to four weeks. VistaPrint did all of it (with my copy, typesetting and photography placed into their preset design) in a week and delivered it to my home for $35.00 total! And that's what happened to the Printing Business. The Lithographing [printing] business I enjoyed from 1963 to 1998 was entirely different for most of these years. The materials and processes required craftsmanship to pull it together into a professional looking document; some craftspeople were better than others, their products looked and felt better. At Arthurs Jones Lithog...