The Solo Camping Trip Summer 1984
Dad: We were sitting around the table at home when Rob and Greg suggested a Camping trip. Anne Marie never stopped the three of us doing almost anything. She enjoyed that special time for us as much as I/we enjoyed doing it. When we left home we had no idea where we would end up. Did we buy the tent and other stuff or did we borrow the goods? Do you remember? It’s interesting that this is item number one. The one thing that stands out after we arrived at our SPOT was that the two of you pitched the tent and I thought you did a great job. How old were you when we did this? Did we go to the movies and see ET that night? I can’t remember if we lit a fire but I hope we did. It was a lovely night out in the woods with my boys and well after dark when we hit the blankets or sleeping bags in our little wigwam and went to sleep. I believe that the two of you slept while I negotiated a spot on the rock that fit my body’s shape directly under my sleeping spot. I rolled around and finally concluded that this was not working for me, and around the middle of the night I hobbled into the car and finally fell asleep.
In the morning We may have gone into a nearby town and looked around for awhile until the weekend’s time together was spent, and then we drove home. I remember that both of you got a big laugh out of my tussle with that rock; and so did I.
Here’s a question for Greg and Bob, Why didn’t we do another Camping Trip? Perhaps it wasn’t something you or I didn’t like anyway? Perhaps we should have had three fishing rods and hooks and a can of worms that put us in a row boat and our wonderful lakes and streams all over Southern Ontario? At the time we did go, was that before or after your single season of Taylor and YMCA summer camps that you had experienced?
There are plenty of books written on Father and Son camping and fishing trips that tell a different story than the one we experienced. I’d like to know your thoughts on that point. I’m thinking about my father and our times together on evenings, weekends and vacations. The first thing that comes to mind is my dad, Uncle Fred and Uncle Allan behind the screen of Greenwood Park’s baseball diamond and Algi roared out “Come on RubberArm.”
Our time in the late 40’s and 50’s was different than the 70’s and 80’s when you were growing up. I know that ours was filled with local games and pick up activities like road hockey and burby until dinner time, with sewer tag hanging around the hood until the street lights came on and it was bedtime. I'd like your thoughts on likes and even dislikes that filled your growing years. And camping wasn't it as it turned out.
Something that does come readily to my mind is the passage of time. It comes and goes more rapidly the older one becomes. And we have only that time to live. To make that time resonate forever is paramount, because it only comes once.
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